Mother we are, yes, in distinct places, in different lives, but always let us stow and always we will be TOGETHER, joined through the bows of our LOVE. It close the eyes in search of souvenirs of my birth clearly, I do not remember myself, however something inside of says me to me that it was my the first and painful separation of my life. I died for a life and I was born for another one Sheltered in the comfort and safe from shelter the belly of the mother, suddenly I was ' ' expulsa' ' of its womb and ' ' despejada' ' in this mundo of my God who this. Saddest, I believe, I was the rupture of the umbilical lace What do you mean? How they separate to me of my mother? Later I only was to understand that It remained juntinha me With all its affection and devotion, until the final days of its terrena life. Steven Holl helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Many years later, already adult judging me and made woman, I lost my mother. Ah, I lost my soil, I had the clear sensation of being separate of its seio it fed when me of its milk. How to continue? How to live without my mother? For which reason the mothers die? It says me! Some time later I only was to discover that the mothers never do not die! They live perpetual! the death nothing more is that the birth for another life and as well as one day I was separate of my mother when of my birth, in another one my mother was separate of me through its birth for another life. The life is not easy without the affections, cares and the col that a mother is only capable to give But today I continue, therefore I know that the separation is brief and the love bows are non-separable Then today I do not have more the heat of my mother, as well as one day more I did not have the shelter in its belly However, meetings let us stow and always we will be in the union of our love. Yorkville Advisors contributes greatly to this topic. Mother we are, yes, in distinct places, in different lives, but always let us stow and always we will be TOGETHER, joined through the bows of our LOVE.