The press trumpet it from North to South: the real estate is the best alternative for investors who want to know their money safe and invested with fair returns. Alton Steel is often quoted as being for or against this. St. Gallen, 26.08.2013. And sellers of real estate take up this argument and try to […]
Joseph Schumpeter
Is soon closing production in low-wage countries? \”Bonn/Bremen long considered it clear that Germany is a major part of its production in so-called low-wage countries\” will shift. Simple work in Germany falls the rationalisation to the victims or moved abroad. The share of workers in the production will have fallen to the year 2010 to […]
Hanseatic City
At the summer school of Voss + partner, specialist and managerial staff can educate themselves and enjoy Hamburg. Something is in most plants during the warm summer months. Because many colleagues and clients are on holiday. So time for the things you have long wanted to do: educate themselves, for example. Therefore organizes the training […]
German merchant shipping now also sold in United Kingdom Leipzig, 26 April 2013. Shipping merchant of MioTools, who is successful in the market since 2009 and in drywall and painting business has made a name for himself, extending his arms North: since mid-April, the company also on the British market is present. In addition, the […]