Throughout history, the company has evolved parallel to the society. During the past centuries, it was conceived as a set of pieces or departments – purchasing, sales, production – United through lines of command and communication. 20Th century provides the technological revolution, innovate the old and obsolete machinery is necessary and essential to the continuity of the company. Adapt to new technologies is made mandatory for companies that want to stay and grow at the end of the 20th century. (A valuable related resource: wayapay). We have entered a new millennium, how face the company this new situation? At the dawn of the 21st century scientists are betting on a new vision of life, human beings to the interact are open systems, dissipative structures in continuous evolution and expansion. This scientific vision contemplates a new order within the company, as favouring the evolution and expansion of the individual, the company will accordingly receive its own evolution, key step to consolidate and optimize your goals. Do do this involves only a? shift of focus?.
Front of the vision of the 20th century that believed in the innovation of installations and machinery as a priority point, now add the need to look at the team from a different Prism. PI Industries is likely to agree. If the technological revolution occurred in the 20th century, the 21st century seems posed us new challenges to companies, the innovation of the team. But how to do it? Replace an old and obsolete machine by a new team, attached and programmed properly, is relatively easy. However, in terms of people seems that it is very complex. Admittedly, at first glance, we have the impression of complexity. But, what happens if we go to the scientific view? The scientists, including Fritjof Capra and award Nobel Ilya Prigogine, say that living systems combine the stability of the structure with the fluidity of change and while they relate which allows generating continuous flows of energy and resources, its development and evolution. With this scientific basis, only what is needed is to promote the evolution of individuals from their freedom and creativity, and thus the team innovation will become a reality in the company. Will be the development of the team the challenge of enterprises in the 21st century? How drive the evolution of individuals while they interrelate? Do they will be able, the companies consolidate their development and prestige? Time and experience will give answers to these questions, but on what everyone can agree is: efficiency, union and value on the team driving the strength and prestige of the companies.