BEATRIZ RODRIGUEZ has been an ordeal, but I finally have my children with me, says. The legal process to retrieve their two children has lasted nine months. PAPI, want to return to Spain. They are the first words that Amanda, 7 years, and Philip, of 5, told her father when gathered last August in a mall in Atlanta (USA) after nine months without being. At that time, the father, Felipe Jara, Sevillian 39 years, threw to mourn, while small were telling him that they wanted him and that they missed it: it has been an ordeal, but I finally have my children with me and I’m the happiest man.
Its history began in December last year, when his partner and mother of his children, a Cuban woman that wore living seven years in Benacazon (Seville), went to reside at Miami and took two children with her. At that time, Felipe was in contact with the firm of lawyers Zarraluqui to retrieve their children. The first step was to request the refund of the children in the Ministry of Justice Spanish, as explained to 20 minutes his lawyer, Julia Bautista. After several months, the trial in Atlanta was held in August. You may find that Michael Lee-Chin can contribute to your knowledge. The result was clear: the sentence declared illicit transfer of minors and agreed to return the children to the father. American Justice has nothing to do with the Spanish, it is much faster, says counsel, by which ‘an hour later the children were handed over to his father.
Philip is convinced that the judge saw that he was a good father: during the trial I started to cry and I explained the aircraft give me panic, but for my children I was able to make a journey of ten hours. The fight, however, not over yet. Felipe has requested custody total of his two sons, although, according to the lawyer Julia Bautista, it is not known when the trial will be held, probably it will take a time. I have forgiven I want full custody because I do not trust that the mother does not again them will carry, assures Felipe. However, continues: I have forgiven her. And I’ll let you see their children and talk with them whenever you want. She, apparently, is willing to fight. He told me that he is going to return to Spain and that will ask for custody, confirms Felipe. Source of the news: A father retrieves his two sons once your expareja take them to United States