An interesting alternative to the pool water disinfection AquTechnics Europe GmbH based near Munich is an innovative company, specialized in the field of swimming pool equipment, which has won several innovation awards and holds a number of patents and utility models. The new Managing Director Dipl.-ing. Rainer Englert is since 2010 product portfolio consistently what […]
Everyday Construction
Building renovation, demolition, a way to change. It is a core hole which is required for connections to the incorrect cutouts for Windows or doors, the remodeling of the Interior or structural measures in public. In the course of time, the everyday life of construction of has made easier! The technical achievements of today would […]
Schornsteinsanierungs Guidelines
The 1 x 1 of chimney renovation: alarm signals realize everyone of a chimney has must deal sooner or later with the theme of a fireplace renovation. But how do you know that a private fireplace must be rehabilitated and especially when? Ahrens tells you which alarm signals to detect and then what steps are. […]