Why the generation of customer requests by external service providers for companies is always interesting. Have you heard a generation of lead? It seems that between employees from marketing and sales lead is already generation to the new buzz word. Everything is about which way the best, fastest, and cheapest, say the most efficient, customer inquiries (Engl.: leads) can be generated. Of course, the generation of new customers is nothing new. Comparatively the external service is new generation but the lead. Here so-called lead generation companies that are engaged to obtain current customer inquiries. Lead generation is one of one of the most measurable marketing investments at all. At many lead generation company involved customers not on a contract or minimum duration, but pay only for the customer questions that they actually received.
Thus it is how much the company possible to measure the ROI (return on investment) by exactly can be checked directly, spending are and how many new customers arising from this investment. As soon as the contact of the potential new customers was forwarded by the lead generation business, it must respond. Now there is one, to submit the best offer to the potential new customers to offer say the best ratio of performance and price and most importantly: to contact the customers quickly. “Experience has shown that often the saying applies: first come, first served”. For the potential new customers, the increased spread of lead generation company also has a great advantage: the comparison of prices and offers considerably facilitated by an external party (the lead generation company): thus, it saves time and money. Lead generation company can thus be understood as a mediator to bring what potential customers and providers of certain products and services together. To interested parties on the Internet complete a short request form, where they describe what project they are planning what product they are looking for or what services they need. The form arrives at the lead generation company.
Here, so-called product advisors received the request and briefly recall the interested parties to clarify details and to ensure that, for those interested, the most appropriate provider from the provider network of lead generation companies can be searched out. So to ensure that prospective buyer and provider best together to fit, to increase the chances the deal. Because lead generation in other countries, such as America or England, is already widely used, are accessible back in Germany already on numerous experiences of these countries. Jules Hopkinson, co-founder of vomFachmann.de, a lead generation company with headquarters in Berlin and London, feel the rising demand in Germany clearly: we are successful for five years in England. Since 2009 we serve the German market and an exponential growth.” The positive development is also supported by a study from 2008 was occupied by E-consultancy, a leading research firm, carried out. Therefore, look at over 90 per cent of European companies in online lead generation as a growth area and assume that she will develop in the next years a crucial component in the marketing mix. 75 percent of those polled consider the online lead generation already as standalone area of online marketing (source: marketing Exchange, study to online lead generation). Lead generation company to offer what service? For those interested: Tenders and price comparison. For providers: Generation of customer inquiries and to potential new customers.