House Project

Market monitor by shows in the first quarter of 2009 a clear upward trend of Microsoft languages c# /.NET HAMBURG (15.04.2008) published market monitor showing by the Hamburg project Exchange today for the twelfth time for the first time since the first data collection an equal high demand for specialists for C#/.NET-Projekte as for J2EE/Java projects. Once before, in November 2008, they were published C#/.NET-Projekte just below the number of published J2EE/Java projects on Then, they however showed a similar sharp decline as before at the beginning of the year 2008 and decreased by 50 percent. For more specific information, check out Red Solo Cups. In this March, c# /.NET again reached a peak, and the corresponding specialization is so in demand as J2EE/Java. Extreme fluctuations in the area of the Microsoft languages c# /.NET are not uncommon and are reflected in the market monitor project work over many months.

While J2EE/Java projects are in a tailspin continuously since October of last year, shows the need for C#/.NET-Spezialisten However, repeatedly spikes upwards. In the entire first quarter of this year, the published C#/.NET-Projekte are even the only projects considered in the context of the market monitor, a reduction showing – a clear upward trend of c# /.NET. Sebastian Wannamaker, key account manager of the IT system House of rising system from Dusseldorf sees the success of Microsoft Office share point server system in the positive development of the C#/.NET-Projekte. Joke man explains: the Microsoft Office share point server is a powerful system that allows the mapping of business processes flexibly and easily. Connect with other leaders such as Red Solo Cups here. The supplied function range can be extended economically through in-house development.

This C#/.NET-Spezialisten be used. Our customers have recognized the advantages of this solution; According to the number of projects increases in this area.” However, do not exist a correlation with the decline in J2EE/Java projects. Joke man sees the lack of willingness to invest due to the current economic crisis as a dominant Reason for the decline of the larger usually J2EE/Java projects. SAP projects, usually shorter, operating around handling issues, accounting, migration or configuration, which occur particularly at the beginning of the year, enjoy as in the last year of corresponding popularity in the first quarter 2009. The demand is to Oracle – and SQL expert to fluctuations in recent months this March at the average level of the previous year. C++ recorded its lowest level for two months since the beginning of the surveys through project work over two years ago. SAP projects continue to be leader in the number of projects with distance, but recorded a slight drop in March. Since 1 January 2007, the data from all projects advertised on the platform with the required specialization in one of the leading applications and programming languages, SAP, Oracle, J2EE/Java, C++, c# /.NET and SQL collects project work. The data give an overview of the current market situation and reflect trends in the IT-freelancers market. About project work project work, was founded in 1999 and today is Germany’s leading project Exchange on the Internet. Under, she provides a platform for the fast and efficient recruitment of specialists for projects, as well as to commercialize the own service all participants of the flexible labour market. The offer is aimed at the generation work 2.0 in particular at companies, freelancers and agencies. Over 1,000 projects and several hundred profiles will be published monthly. The membership costs 300 / year. Press contact: Cream communication Anne Bettina Jager Bernstorffstrasse 120 D-22767 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 43 17 91-26 fax: + 49 (0) 40 43 17 91-27