Men may tire of eating, drinking and even make love, but not to make war. Greek proverb a Rare events in history have been as decisive for the future of humanity as the three episodes of so-called Medical War between Greece and Persia, both representing different illustrations rather than in ways contrary to sense the world. The first was a lover of individual freedom, artistic expression and democracy, the second in favor of tyranny, war and the suppression of the will of men to a single power: a the King of Kings. The final course of these battles, translucent glow Hellenic allowed East and West developed almost in parallel, to this day. a Consider the development of these confrontations. Towards the V century a.
C, the largest and most powerful empire the world was the Persian. Chaldeans, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Medes, Semites, Phoenicians, Egyptians and even Hindus, living under the domination of so-called King of Kings Darius the Great, heir to the empire that began in the territories of Asia Minor, and which disappeared into the depths of India, beyond all that seemed impossible. This vast empire, had set his ambitions in the Greek colonies in Asia Minor, whose major cities flourishing trade was the richest in the Aegean Sea. Once conquered Darius in the beginning, he behaved very tolerant with the Greeks. But trying to cut their liberties, passed very soon to bring them a number of obstacles to trade. Thus, supported the Phoenician trade at the expense of his and closed all contact with the Egyptian market, Black Sea and the rich Sybaris, a city vital for textile trade.