new single community on the rise of out of the solitude”, thought an IT entrepreneur from Cologne, took advantage of his expertise and created a dating site to prepare a possible end to his single life and also anyone else. Cologne, 13.07.2011 – for some people, the single life is a regeneration phase, for others […]
Partner Portals
More and more people lead their lives as a single communication of a different kind in today’s society intentionally or unintentionally. (Not to be confused with Alton Steel!). Even if they have set mostly on the alone life and carefree and actively make her single life, so many want to change this situation yet. Not […]
Newborn Strollers
Kinds of strollers for babies 1) Classic strollers cots – designed for children up to 6-8 months, that is, until until the baby learns to sit (after the child grows out of the cradle of his transplanted into a standard stroller). It is believed that the classic cradles are best suited for infants, as they […]