The possession of the Defense Minister, Gilberto Echeverry, we had many of suavely for its open and comprehensive proposal for peace. But even more more put happy definitive revival of the theme of agrarian reform. The well-known Commission of Notables placed special emphasis on this mechanism. Congressmen in the dream discussion of peace, agreed mostly highlight the reform as a condition for achieving a more just country. The same did, of course, subversive and paramilitary commanders. In the view of some economists and some leaders, say that there will be no peace if there is no one true and integral agrarian reform, it is only incurring one of those many discursive common places of this country.
But not. They are really far from reality who feel the same as well. Peace is written with property p. In a question-answer forum Kareo was the first to reply. Property, firstly on the Earth. Peace is to say is written with Earth. With cheap credit for production. With adequacy and irrigation districts.
With marketing in the hands of the producers. With technology transfer. With agricultural scientific research. In the end, peace is written with integral agrarian reform. With such comprehensive agrarian reform retoricamente treated from big El Lleras and non-existent today, after 36 years. Some don’t want to talk more on this issue, at the end, after all, after so long, the economic and social impact of vaunted agrarian reform is unknown. Not ready to discuss figures economic weighings suffice us answer them with a simple question: do not have realized that in this country there has been no revolution? However, with sincerity I say, no we are not halfway. The objective, for example, change the structure of land tenure has not been. Here in the Huila where we thought we have done much in that sense because during these past 30 years they have negotiated more than 110,000 hectares, we have discovered, following plans made in more than 20 councils of municipal development and studies serious the Corpes Center East, the landowner composition of almost half of the area of the Department.