Oysterband live: their folk rock classics at seven concerts are served acoustically (thk) for the anniversary tour will surprise with full accoustic sound the Oyster Bracelet, known as a renowned folk rock band, on their tour of Germany in November. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, she has recorded fourteen of their classic without electric guitars & co. and comes to live on the continent. “The Oxford girl and other stories” (Westpark music/Indigo) is the album in a DigiPack, the title of which is also the motto of the tour. This CD is not a best-of”, the British Quintet in the booklet, but also no systematic retrospective writes, although songs from most of our sixteen Studio discs are included. The songs however is together that we felt, to present each one under a different approach. We have rearranged the pieces in contemporary and in some cases more or less reinvented as simple and direct as it was possible with lead and harmony vocals plus an acoustic instrumentation.
Exactly in We started this form once and therefore it felt right, to remember exactly when our thirty years. Such a look back in the future also shows, where the Oyster Bracelet is musical!” “Includes today as it was then, that the three founding members John Jones (vocals, accordion), Ian Telfer (violin, concertina) and Alan Prosser (guitar, accordion, banjo, bass, vocals) along with Ray Chopper” Cooper (bass, cello, mandolin, bouzouki, harmonium, vocals) and Dil Davies (percussion, drums) always politically position obtained in their compositions. This formation proves”HifiVision stated therefore, that serious lyrics and upbeat sound are not contradictory.” Because the Oyster Bracelet has begun before three decades than traditional Celtic and English music playing dance combo, their upcoming performances promise to be so highly entertaining.