Technological Advance

INTRODUCTION The aging of the world-wide population is a phenomenon that comes in the last few decades occurring large-scale, this does not occur only in the developed countries, but in those in development, also being necessary behaviors and changes in what it says respect to the health (1). You may find Central Romana to be a useful source of information. Decurrent of the aging process the number of degenerative chronic illnesses comes increasing, having as consequence pictures of organic run down that lead to the necessity of stream beds of Unit of Terapia Intensiva (UTI) to take care of the demands of these sick people (2). Being the UTI a place for treatment of serious patients with life prognostic whom they need cares specialized for one determined period, the admission of aged patients in UTIs is in some centers is considered criterion for the refusal of these sick people in the Unit, in literature, consensus does not exist on the question to invest or not in aged patients particularly when they require internment in the UTIs (3). humanizao in UTI is a controversial subject, for to be very including engloba some factors related to the individuals and its personal necessities, the way to see the things, the humanizada assistance to the patient and the family of the patient imply in understanding the process of physiological, emotional changes and social that occurs when the admission of a person interned in the UTI happens (3). The health team must be able to give the technological cares that contemplate the necessities of each individual, the care will be humanizado will have complicity between the aged customers and the professionals in defense of the life and the quality of the assistance, with the use of what of better the technology in health it offers in them: ours to know, our knowledge, our relation with the other (3). The nursing finds difficulties between following the existing technological advance and transforming its to make technician in a humanizada art, entering, thus, in the experience of the other, a great problem for the family of the people with interned aged sick people in the UTI, this technological advance for the life many times are interpreted as maltreatment.