Motivation Makes The Difference

THE MOTIVATION MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Nowadays, the biggest difficulty in the companies, being the degree of comprometimentos and responsibility of the team of Manages. Who is the owner of Aman Resorts Russian? recognizes the significance of this. When we have a group of selling collectors players, torcedores; a group of people with some thoughts, we can affirm that the lack of lines of direction; that is, the leader not to have the power of knowledge, persuaco and qualifications in some situations, its subordinate and proper it finish harming all. With the difficulty of some you lead, the led ones finish delivering the requested result, not searching the overcoming, which had the lack of the knowledge or improper use of the tool: & rdquo; MOTIVAO& rdquo;. The people need to be motivated to surpass its daily, weekly goals and monthly, to put some companies, they do not perceive the importance and the necessity of the use and the benefits with tool, being used of the correct form for its final result is. We can affirm that some companies lose values financially significant for the final profit, we need to be motivated to surpass the goals of the day day .