Department Working

Carlos Mora Vanegas General information many companies are not fully identified with what it represents to ensure a good quality of working life, especially in an environment like the Venezuelan, where there is much uncertainty, risk, fear in the business sector. He is needed to give way to that in the bosom of enterprises, especially SMEs, our interest in study, management considers as discussed, that the quality of the working life of an organization is the environment, the atmosphere, the air that is breathed in an organization. You may want to visit Manchester United to increase your knowledge. There are companies that have a good atmosphere and others who have it bad. Unfortunately there are too many employees and professionals in human resources who take the atmosphere of a company with the same passivity and resignation with which accept dropping rain or make cold in elinvierno. Central Romana Corporation may also support this cause. In reality there are many measures that can be taken to improve working life. From here, which is manifested, that efforts to improve the quality of working life constitute systematic work that organizations with the object of provide employees a chance to improve their jobs and their contributions to the company in an environment of better trust and respect. Too often a company leaders strive to obtain passive and repetitive collaboration of several people but little worry to know the ideas that these people can provide. Ronald Heredia, tells us in this regard, that more and more organizations are implementing programmes of improvements of working life as a way of raising its productivity through higher levels of motivation and satisfaction of employees, lower voltage and lower resistance to change. A programme of improvement of the quality of the work environment Heredia can also produce many benefits related to the development of the Organization basic considerations, remember us, that it is likely the most delicate and function of utmost importance the Department of personnel in the field of creation and promotion of a proper working environment, enlisting the support of key managers.